Some people think I'm too blunt, confident, brash and even arrogant but truth is I don't TAKE things too SERIOUS for life itself is short. I laugh, smile and joke for my heart deserves happiness.
I saw too much sorrow and hardship as a kid, so I no longer look at life any more, I just live it.
Those who know me (a handful of people to be honest) know what's in my heart supersedes all the material things of life.
I'm not an Angel but I don't really have the horns that depicts the devil we pictured as kids.
I'm not perfect, but I know that sometimes educating those who hate you for no reason, is more like FIGHTING a lost battle. They just love getting stuck in the dirt, it's where they probably belong.
Dad was obviously right when he said: "Never listen to what they say you can't do, because they are only trying to drag you into the gutter where they find themselves."
Still I refuse to JUDGE people, no one is honestly qualified to, even the judge in a supreme court knows there is a supreme being taking full account of his own steps too.
I love to live and let others live, too, it's the only way I know how to live.
I'm tired of hypocrites telling me so much about God when I know my route to HIM. So quit making too much effort by telling me what HE thinks of me for only HE knows my heart.
My decision has always been to stay TRUE to myself and God, humans can reach their own conclusion, well, they always do.
If I'm at peace in my heart, who cares what the world really think? You can never be happy until your innermost self is happy, at peace and calm.
So I chose to be happy for I'm simply UNBREAKABLE.