If I could have one wish, I would love to sit with my father again, even if it's just for a day.
I don't need a lot of wishes cause I'll be okay if I get this one. I grew up with the importance of appreciating life.
Dad taught me that birth and death are truly constant with life.
Only the wise tend to understand riddle in the 'world coming to an end'. End of time? Nah, our 'own' world and life comes to an end in death.I see all the endless struggle, desperation and hustle for the good life, ironically in death it comes to an abrupt end.
To the corrupt and heartless, you do not need to be proud of your lavish homes, because the last home you'll have is your grave.
Do not be proud of branded clothes, because the last clothes you'll wear is the white shroud..fact of life and death.
A dishonest man in high post who primarily acquire wealth through corrupt and illegal route is merely building a sand castle that will someday be blown down at the appropriate time - in death.I'm imperfect but I strive to be at peace with my heart and conscience. The most treasured, valuable and priceless possession I've got on earth is LIFE.
Other material things are just vanity. Trust me, if you do not know how your friends got their wealth, you will overwork yourself to the grave.
I've decided to accept the bad times as well as enjoy the good moments.....cos every day we live is another second chance, there is no third crack at life.
RIP departed souls, someday we'll all be together in death.***
NB: I put up one these lines as my Facebook status and the reaction was that of anxiety and fear. Some openly asked me: “Is everything okay with you Shina?.” lol – well, death is constant, get real and know it MUST come.
I have lived long enough to decide my own path and destiny.
Some people think I'm too blunt, confident, brash and even arrogant but truth is I don't TAKE things too SERIOUS for life itself is short. I laugh, smile and joke for my heart deserves happiness.
I saw too much sorrow and hardship as a kid, so I no longer look at life any more, I just live it.
Those who know me (a handful of people to be honest) know what's in my heart supersedes all the material things of life.
I'm not an Angel but I don't really have the horns that depicts the devil we pictured as kids.
I'm not perfect, but I know that sometimes educating those who hate you for no reason, is more like FIGHTING a lost battle. They just love getting stuck in the dirt, it's where they probably belong.
Dad was obviously right when he said: "Never listen to what they say you can't do, because they are only trying to drag you into the gutter where they find themselves."Still I refuse to JUDGE people, no one is honestly qualified to, even the judge in a supreme court knows there is a supreme being taking full account of his own steps too.
I love to live and let others live, too, it's the only way I know how to live.I'm tired of hypocrites telling me so much about God when I know my route to HIM. So quit making too much effort by telling me what HE thinks of me for only HE knows my heart.
My decision has always been to stay TRUE to myself and God, humans can reach their own conclusion, well, they always do.If I'm at peace in my heart, who cares what the world really think? You can never be happy until your innermost self is happy, at peace and calm.
So I chose to be happy for I'm simply UNBREAKABLE.
Dangerous Hello
My fear of being stuck was irrevocably sealed when I realized my new path was filled with all the unconditional verbal attractions.
I was a nervy young teenager, frustrated with deceitful lies, sensitive to a pulp, horrified of speed trains and about to give up on any desert adventure.
Thanks to bumpy roads in the past, I had developed a strong mental wall, a quick tongue and continuous bitching at the sight of another promising route.
It, mine, was a life of little economic value thanks to accumulated sense of loss.
Suddenly all my fears came back, an equal mixture of anxiety and obvious awe.
I wondered if I should have looked away? ignore the platform? change the train as it leads to a pretty familiar destination of sort.
Interestingly, the word was HELLO and the feedback was a cold, scary but motivated HI.
More like money for a ticket sort of transaction at a terminal - quite passive and expressionless.
But this train had all the gadgets and essential securities too good to be true.
Probably apt to say it makes the journey look pretty attractive and worth trying.
Another swift reminder that the last adventure started on earth but ended in hell.
While the weatherman predicts more snowy condition in the winter, my summer unbelievably appear filled with plenty of sunshine.
Thus far the train has been on a cruise control even though fears hover around like a carousel seeking undeserved attention.
Obviously, next time the HELLO will be a lot warmer I guess and the HI should get the train to it's final destination.
I pondered if I should have stayed away from all the screams and lights on a wintry day at the terminal knowing soon all my fears could shatter.
After all life and death is constant with man. Since his life is filled with cry at birth, joy at living and inevitable cry at the sight of death once again.
Not every HELLO and HI has ended well thou, U just ask the undertaker at a town cemetery....
To HELLO thanks, and to HI, our paths will hopefully cross again, one day. ..........Bon chance.
And my SOULja is FOUR
Your life has been a tough journey
One filled with ups and downs
Guess all tears happened for a reason
Just as every smile has its own season
In you I see my innermost strength
You’ve defied all odds to be here
I have watched you thrived in pains
Yet in those agonies are massive gains
In our challenges we only see the ups
We both live every day in high hopes
Many say you are cute on the outside
But I only see that beauty on the inside
Your arrival was a massive joy in my life
Thanks to you I suddenly grew into a man
Whenever I’m broke I feel rich in your dose
Diamonds and Gold don’t come that close
Our world has been a train on fast track
God drives us while you conduct traffic
You’ve always been right about something
Daddy’s naughty but you’re glittering
In a world that is a battlefield
You’ve taken several bullets
Yet you remain a brave soldier
No one’s been that bolder
You’ve given my life a direction
So today I’m wishing you all the best
God grant you strength and good health
In good health comes the wealth
Remember I look to you
My rib, heart, love and soulja
Distance is only temporary
But my love for you is eternal
Happy Birthday Abdul-Jamal Okeleji
-With love and warmth from Daada